Wenn dir meine Arbeit gefällt, würde es mich sehr freuen, wenn du mir folgst. Such dir einfach eine Plattform einer Wahl aus. Ich habe da ein paar ✨
Disane87 - Overview
Professional fullstack developer . Disane87 has 29 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Marco (@disane87.tv) • Instagram photos and videos
492 Followers, 503 Following, 230 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Marco (@disane87.tv)

Twitch is the world’s leading video platform and community for gamers.

npm | Profile

User Disane
Stack Overflow | The World’s Largest Online Community for Developers

Baujahr 1987, Gamer, Nerd, Coder, Hardstyle-Lover, Vater, Hauslebesitzer und nun anscheinend auch Streamer. Kommt, wir reißen die Weltherrschaft an uns!
Marco Franke – Medium
Read writing from Marco Franke on Medium. Frontend Developer at scholz.msconsulting GmbH. Fulltime nerd. Technophile. Every day, Marco Franke and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.

Coder, Nerd, Father, Movie and Hardstyle-Lover 💕
Marco — DEV Community Profile
🇩🇪 Viersen / NRW
👶🏼 Father
🧑🏼💻 Developer
🎶 #hardstyle 🎮 Gamer
📑 Tech-Blogger

🇩🇪 Viersen / NRW 👶🏼 Father 🧑🏼💻 Developer 🎶 #hardstyle 🎮 Gamer 📑 Tech-Blogger