UptimeKuma Uptime Kuma: Monitor and track the uptime of services 🔎 Learn how to install Uptime Kuma, integrate it into Home Assistant and actively monitor websites! 🔔
Uptime Kuma Uptime Kuma: Uptime von Services beobachten und tracken 🔎 Erfahre, wie Du Uptime Kuma installierst, in Home Assistant integrierst und Webseiten aktiv überwachst! 🔔
SmartHome WebNUT: Integrate UPS into the SmartHome Learn how to install and configure WebNUT in Docker and integrate it into HomeAssistant to monitor your UPS devices in your smart home. 🏠
SmartHome WebNUT: USV ins SmartHome einbinden Lerne, wie Du WebNUT in Docker installierst, konfigurierst und in HomeAssistant integrierst, um Deine USV-Geräte im Smart Home zu überwachen. 🏡